Joshua (JO)


Each of our Navi workbooks covers one book of the Early Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel 1, Samuel 2, Kings 1, and Kings 2. The books are divided into thematic manageable units. Each unit begins with explanation of difficult words and ends with an important verse from the original text. Each NAVI workbook contains engaging activities and exercises designed to promote acquaintance with the text and traditional commentaries (primarily Rashi), hone reasoning skills, teach human, moral, and religious values, and improve Hebrew comprehension. Various visual aids, such as maps, charts, diagrams, and illustrations facilitate NAVI learning.

The book of Joshua is suitable for Grades 4 and up, depending on school’s curriculum and students’ proficiency in the Hebrew language.

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Kings 2 (K2)
Kings 1 (K1)
Samuel 2 (SM2)
Samuel 1 (SM1)