
MM1 is the first of eight MIGDALOR READERS (HaMikra’a Migdalor) in the MIGDALOR PROGRAM. It is a direct continuation to the Reading and More series, in terms of vocabulary, reading level and grammar content.

The topics are related to the young student’s immediate surrounding (see table of contents). The book is teacher- and student- friendly, as it is presented in a concrete, realistic, colorful, systematic and gradual manner to make teaching and learning of the Hebrew Language effective, fun and appealing.

Migdalor Reader, part 1 has an eight-page achievement test with guidelines for administration and scoring (purchased separately for students).

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Posters for MM1-2, MT1-3 and HD2 (PST2)
Achievement Test for Migdalor Reader 1 (MM1-AT)
CD for Migdalor Readers 1 & 2 (MM1-2-CD)
Library Booklets 6-8 on CD (BKS2-CD)