MISHNA, Part 2 (MN2)


The three-workbook series on Mishna - “המשנה שלי” - strive to make learning Mishna easier and more interesting.

The second “המשנה שלי” workbook deals with the first and fourth perakim in מסכת ברכות.

The units presented relatively small and manageable, each given a title followed by related illustrations, maps, charts, diagrams and engaging activities and exercises designed to highlight the issues at hand. It contains also a brief description of Rabbanim mentioned in the Mishna.

The workbook is suitable for 5th grade and up (depending on the school’s curriculum and the students’ proficiency in the Hebrew language).

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Hamafkid (HM)
Elu Metziot (EM)
MISHNA, Part 3 (MN3)
Mishna, Part 1 (MN1)