Shemot 3 (ST3)
The book of Shemot is taught from the original text with Rashi interpretation of chosen verses. To facilitate Chumash learning, each chapter is divided into smaller units, each given a title followed by explanation of difficult Chumash words and ending with an important verse from the original text. The workbooks include engaging activities and exercises designed to highlight the human, moral, and religious values of each topic. Each workbook includes maps, charts, diagrams, illustrations, a few Agadot and Teamim (טעמי המקרא).
Shemot 3 (ST3) includes six Parshiot from the Book of Shemot (פרשיות "משפטים, תרומה, תצווה, כי תישא, ויקהל, פקודי").
The Shemot series is suitable for Grades 4 and higher (depending on the school’s policy and the students’ Hebrew language proficiency).